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Is Your Relationship Healthy and Safe?

Check out the list below for early signs of teen dating violence:

  • Jealousy or anger
  • Excessive calling and/or texting
  • Criticizing or name-calling
  • Humiliates you in public
  • Attempts to isolate you from family and friends
  • Keeps constant tabs on your whereabouts and insists you spend all your time with them
  • Blames you for his/her problems and/or abusive behavior
  • Invalidates your feelings and ideas
  • Exploits you for money or other benefits
  • Coerces you into performing sexual acts
  • Uses other controlling behaviors

While some of these behaviors may lead you to think that your partner is head-over-heels in love, many times these characteristics can be the early red flags for relationship abuse.

Did you know 1 in 4 teens report verbal, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse from a dating partner each year? Look around, find four of your friends, it is likely that at least one of them will experience teen dating violence. What this means is, everyone knows someone who has been or will be a victim of relationship abuse.

We all know that dating and relationships can and should be wonderful things. However, if any of these red flags pop up and that little voice inside your head makes you wonder if something is wrong, chances are there is. Teens, parents, teachers, counselors and other concerned adults should all know 2NDFLOOR is here to help.