Mental Health
Quick Facts
Mental Health Resources
Adolescents’ developing brains, coupled with hormonal changes, make them more prone to depression and other mental health disorders. Approximately 20% of adolescents have a diagnosable mental health disorder. It is important to understand the prevalence of depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders that may affect you or those around you. The pages below provide information and support to remind you that you are never alone – help is out there.

NJ Department of Human Services
The division of health services works to promote opportunities for adults with mental illness to maximize their ability to: seek

National Alliance on Mental Illness
The National Alliance on Mental Illness works to bring awareness about Mental Health to the public by providing, research, advocacy, publication and event information as well as resources on treatment, support programs, and how anyone can get involved to help.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminitration
SAMHSA’s mission is to lead public health and service delivery efforts that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and provide treatments and supports to foster recovery while ensuring equitable access and better outcomes.

Erika’s Lighthouse
Erika’s Lighthouse is dedicated to raising awareness for the 20% of adolescents that struggle with or have dealt with adolescent depression, working to break the stigma and educate. Visit the site for their red flags program, support boards, resources and support for teens and adults dealing with depression.

Teen Mental Health
The national Mental Health site focusing specifically on teenagers offers ways to understand mental health, they offer insight into the teenage brain, support for families, teens and educators, resources for support and advise from health professionals.

Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
Because youth suicide prevention is everyone’s business, the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide offers support and information for teen’s parents and educators as well as news, contact support and the national suicide prevention hotline.